Thursday, July 28, 2011


I am having a period from hell. If ever I needed it rubbed in my face that I am indeed NOT pregnant, this would definitely do the trick. The flow is really heavy and the cramps are terrible; guess that D&C I had back in January did not do anything to make my periods lighter like Dr. C said it may. It's weird to think about my period, and what it really represents to me as a woman. I have life flowing out of me; not just my own life, but  the ability to give and create it; and the power to sustain it. Many women do not consider their periods more than an inconvenience; but when you are a woman TTC, you'd be surprised what things take on new meaning and symbolism. It's like I feel connected to the world, to the Earth, to life. And with that connection comes the promise of new hope, new possibility, a new future. Yeah...I am in a strange mood today...


  1. Hello.. I found your blog through another blogger I follow.
    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time with the AF queen. I had a D&C 2 weeks ago and am NOT looking forward to my 1st period :(

    I look forward to following your blog and following your jounery to motherhood!! :)

  2. Sometime AF just adds insult to injury. Hope her stay is short lived!



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