Thursday, July 7, 2011

What I Wouldn't Give....

Ya know, it's funny, I hear so many pregnant women and mothers complaining of morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, weight gain and swelling, lack of sleep from being up all night with a crying/colic-y child. How ironic is it that I would give absolutely anything to be in their place? Do these women not realize just how LUCKY they are? I really think it's insensitive to complain so much, when there are those of us listening who want those "inconveniences" more than anything in the world. Just because it was easy for you to get pregnant, doesn't mean you should assume it is that easy for all women. And ya know, perhaps I shouldn't even be so mad. Perhaps it is because it was so easy for these women, that they are now able to take what they have for granted. They do not know any other way, after all. They have not experienced the heartache, the constant pain of BFNs and negative OPKs month-after-month. They do not have to take meds every day in the hopes that it may help their dream come true. I know one thing, though. I will vomit with a smile on my face and be happy to look like a Good Year blimp when I finally do get my dream.


  1. I agree with this fully! I can't stand pregnant women that complain. And those new mommies that complain they don't get a nap or are up all night. Fuck them. I tell them how awesome it is to sleep whenever I want. Sucks to be them.

  2. I certainly realize how lucky I am. And am not complaining. But I know what you mean alright. Some people just dont get it. I feel blessed and I dont think I have the right to complain

  3. Oh no, I hope you realize I didn't mean you. :) I was referring only to people IRL.



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