Friday, July 15, 2011


First of all, I want to say I appreciate everyone who weighed in on my decision to test. Ultimately, I decided to go ahead with it anyway (didn't you see that coming? lol. We ask others for their opinion but really we already have our mind made up....). As you can surmise from the title of this post, the result wasn't positive. I was so sure I was pregnant given the symptoms I have been having, but as the clock ticked down to the 5 minute mark, I began to have my doubts. I looked at the test after 5 minutes and saw only one line (it's as if that one line was mocking me). I peered at the test closely, examining it in the light, turning it this way and that in the hopes that maybe there was a very faint line I didn't see...nothing. BFN. I'm not gonna say it didn't hurt, I think it always hurts no matter what. This is the first HPT I have taken since, wow, April or something like that, so of course I was hoping for a BFP! Surprisingly, though, I'm handling it better than I thought I would. I really think I'm okay this time. I got a +OPK yesterday and that still gives me a lot of hope. I will be testing again today to see if we can go two-for-two. I'm not out of the game yet!

As for my symptoms, maybe it is the Met, or a stomach bug? Symptoms of ovulation? Who knows. Yesterday I only took two doses of the Met. I was so sick last night that I just couldn't bring myself to take the third dose. I am going to give it through the weekend and if I am still feeling this craptastic on Monday I will be calling Dr. C. to see if we can't do something different. I have heard that the ER tablets lessen side-effects, maybe we should give those a whirl? Either way, I don't want to give up on the Met because it is clearly doing something right! I just don't understand why it would be affecting me so badly now. I guess maybe because it has had time to build up in my system now and my body is not handling the 1500mg dosage very well? Again, who knows...If need be I will step back on the dosage until things calm down.

 We are having a birthday dinner for my aunt's 50th tonight. I really hope I can manage to eat something (and keep it down, and not have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes). I really have just had zero appetite the last few days, I don't know what's going on. I didn't puke again last night (thank God). Felt like I was going to but it never happened, just nausea (and lots of trips to the bathroom). I really hope I start feeling better soon! =/

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