Wednesday, July 27, 2011

45 Days...

Okay, so this cycle turned out to be 45 days long (previous one, with BCP, was 35 days). I know a 45 day cycle is still out of the realm of normal, but considering I've had a 160 day cycle before, I think 45 days is doing pretty good! And, this is my first "all natural" cycle since going off BCP. I have only been on the Met for a month, so I need to give it some time. Right now, I am pleased as punch just to be responding to it at all. It's nice to feel like a woman again. :)


  1. It is weird to feel excited about getting AF... I used to laugh when people called me "lucky" to have long cycles... if they only knew!

  2. Glad to hear that the met seems to be working!



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