Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beware! Nosy Neighbor on the Loose!

 So, yesterday we went to Lowe's (again. Gosh, we should start having to pay rent we've been there so much in the last two weeks) to get all the supplies to build our chain link fence in the backyard. Our first purchase for the home, yay! My mom said, "the things we do to have dogs." And boy is she not wrong (all the fence stuff was quite costly)! But we love our pugs. They are our babies and we want to make sure that after years of apartment life, they now have a nice, big backyard to run around in and enjoy.

We still haven't decided on paint or carpet. Too. Many. Choices. I think I have it narrowed down only to look behind me and see a whole other row of paint samples. It really is overwhelming and gives me a headache just trying to decide. Plus, add to that the fact that hubby keeps going back and forth about whether he wants to paint or not. Meanwhile, I have already become totally invested in this venture. Did he not realize it would be a big project to tackle? Grrrr him and his indecisiveness. Men. LOL. Yes, it's going to be a hassle, but it's going to take a little hassle to make the home our own. It will be so worth it once we're all done.

Now, to get to the title of this post. Yesterday my mom and brother were helping us haul all the fence stuff to our house so we could store it in our garage. Well, as we were leaving, I saw a man and a woman stop my mom in her truck. They talked for a few seconds, then she went on. Well, then the couple started making their way over to our car. Hubby let down his window to greet them and all the while we are thinking, "uh oh, what is going on here?" They introduced themselves as the neighbors and welcomed us to the neighborhood. The lady went on to say that "we are a tight-knit group around here and I like keeping an eye on things." Uh oh. Immediately my spider sense started tingling. Now, you may be thinking, "what's the big deal?" Seems innocent enough. Well, hubby and I have a friend that used to live in the neighborhood, and according to her, this woman is the neighbor from hell. We said, "well, we don't live next door to her so it won't be that big a deal, right?" But our friend said we will feel like we do because this woman will be in our business all the time and making our lives miserable. Great. And here I thought my days of dealing with nosy-business-prying people was soon to be over. As if I haven't already had my fill of that after us living with my grandmother for the past two years. I have this idea in my head that it will be like living on Wisteria Lane, only not half as glamorous. LOL.

On an unrelated note, I bought one of those pregnancy tests and ovulation strips combo packs from Amazon. You know, the kind where you get 40 ovulation test strips and 10 pregnancy test strips for $10 bucks? I have been wanting to try them so I decided to order a pack. I figure I needed to stock up since I will be using them soon anyway. My question for ladies who have used them is, how good do they work? Are they accurate? I read many reviews on Amazon. Some were good, some not so good. I guess I worry because they are cheaper, but when you're someone who tests as often as I do, you need to buy in bulk! I have a few girlfriends who have used them and say they work well enough, so it should be okay. I already have a few pregnancy tests and OPKs I've yet to use, but I wanted to give these strips a try. I figure, hey if they work out fine and I like them, this will definitely be a cheaper way to go and much easier on the pocketbook. We do have a mortgage to think of now, after all. lol. And with any luck, I won't get through the whole pack if you know what I mean!

P.S. I only have a few days of BCPs left and will be so glad when I am through with them for good! I am so tired of having pimples on my face!

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