Monday, June 27, 2011

Charting and Temping and POASing, Oh My!

 So, what has been going on since my last update? Well, still on 1000mg of the Met and doing okay with it. This Friday I will be upping my dosage to 1500mg and that is the dosage I will stay on from here on out (or at least until I get my BFP)! I still have the occasional upset tummy with the Met, but overall my side-effects have gotten a lot better, and thankfully, haven't gotten any worse as I have increased my dosage! From the horror stories I read, I really didn't know what I'd be in for with this medicine, but it really hasn't been that bad. A little unpleasant, a little inconvenient at times maybe, but not absolutely horrible. I keep telling myself I am able to handle it so well because I am a tough chic, but really, I am not all that tough so that probably isn't the reason. lol. I think it is just because I have made up my mind and I am determined. I have set out to achieve a goal; a dream, and I am determined to let nothing stand in the way of achieving that dream (as I am sure many of you ladies reading this blog have the same dream). And really, what is a little GI trouble if it helps me to achieve my dream of being a mother? If I can make my husband into the wonderful father I know he is destined to be? If we can achieve our dream of parenthood? Well, I don't know about you all, but a few trips to the bathroom seems like a small price to pay if we are granted our ultimate dream. I will happily endure this and more if it helps me to get one step closer to the child I so long for. Our child. When it comes to that desire for a child; no price is too high, no hurtle unjumpable (is that even a word? lol), and no obstacle insurmountable. It is amazing to me how that love for our child, that willingness to do anything for them, starts even before they are born; before they are even placed in our arms. As of now, my child is nothing more than I hope in my heart; a hope I carry with me each day. I have not met my child yet, but trust, and believe that I will at some point in the future very soon. I can say that I love my future child, and am willing to do anything necessary to ensure that he (or she?) makes their way into our lives to become a part of our family.

In other news, Now that I am on the Met, I need to know if it is helping me ovulate, so I have started using an OPK for the first time. I have tested for 2 days now and so far no sign of the big O. I was a little upset yesterday when it came up negative; even though I knew it probably would, I will still hoping that it would be positive and then DH and I could go BD right away. lol. Oh well, I am trying not to get too discouraged. I am going to continue testing every day this week, so hopefully at some point we will get a positive! The problem is that since my cycles are so irregular, I am not really sure when to test. My last period was about 10 days ago now, so I figured this was as good a time as any to commence with the testing.  My cycle lengths are all over the place, though, so I really just don't know. It really is frustrating not to have any idea when, or even IF, you O. My 3 months on the pill I had two perfect 28 day cycles and one 35 (though I think this is only because I started the last pack a little late because I had to get it from my doctor). I would be happy if the Met could give me 35 day cycles, as that is still well within the normal range. It would be nice to know exactly when I O, BD on those days, and then have the 2WW to find out if I am pregnant. As of now, I have never even had the 2WW due to my cycle irregularities. It's usually just been, "have sex as much as possible and then wait until next month to see if you get your period before testing." Kinda frustrating. Even more so when you miss your period and then get your hopes up thinking you might finally be pregnant only to have the test come out negative. So, I am really hoping that the Met succeeds in regulating my cycles because I really don't want to go through that disappointment and heartache again. The next time I miss a period, I want it to be because I am actually pregnant! Is that so much to ask?! No, I don't think so either. lol. Now, it would be great if the OPK was a pregnancy test because this is the only time I have ever gotten two lines on anything!

To end this post on a somewhat exciting note, DH actually ordered me a crib yesterday! Yes, all his idea. We have been looking at cribs for a while now and they are soooo expensive. This one was a steal for $80 bucks and look just as nice as the more expensive ones for a fraction of the cost (see picture above). Anyway, with a deal like that DH just couldn't pass it up. We have a nursery now, so we figured hey, why not. It is a 4-in-1 convertible crib. It converts into a day bed, toddler bed, and later, a full-sized bed with head and footboard. So, it looks like our little one will be covered for a while. lol. I love it because it is exactly what I wanted. It comes in a beautiful Walnut finish, and I even found a beautiful glider to match, which we will order at a later time. The crib should be arriving sometime next week. We will just store it in the garage until we get the nursery painted and carpeted and then DH says he will put it together. Can't wait to see it all assembled. I think it, and the room, is going to be beautiful! When I found out DH was ordering it for me I got really emotional. I can't really explain why; just the meaning behind it I guess. Buying this important piece of furniture was symbolizing that hey, this is it, this is really happening. We are really trying to have a baby and it is GOING to happen! I don't know, it just solidified the whole process and made it all more real somehow. I know for a lot of women TTC, buying baby furniture may sadden or upset them, but for me it just gave me this incredible sense of hope and purpose. I dunno, maybe I am just strange. lol. We certainly weren't planning on buying any baby furniture right away, but a crib that nice and at that price, DH just couldn't let it slip away. Besides, I have faith that we will be making use of it in the near future. I know to most it is an insignificant piece of furniture, but in my case it only helps me be more determined to fight for my dream and never give up, because it WILL happen :)


  1. Hopefully you will get a positive on the OPK soon! I had to switch from the test with the two lines because it was always difficult for me to tell if it was positive or not, the line colors were just too similar most of the time and I knew it couldn't be positive all month! I switched to the slightly more expensive digital ones that turn into a smiley face when positive - it gave me peace of mind to know that I couldn't screw up reading it!!
    Awesome deal on the crib!!!

  2. Beautiful crib Momma! I love your way of thinking!!! =]



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