Thursday, June 9, 2011

(Infertile) Pet Peeves....

Things I have heard in my year TTC:

I have heard many things in the last year and thought it would be fun to start compiling a list, so here goes. I'm sure many of you have heard these same statements, or variations of, before.

"Just relax and it will happen. That's what worked for us." - Really?! Well, why didn't I think of that? Thank you so much for pointing it out, it seems so obvious now! I'm so glad to know what worked for YOU. Newsflash: I'm not you!

"Maybe if you just stop thinking about it." - I'm sorry, some of us actually like to plan and prepare for our children and don't have the luxury of not *thinking* about the child we are so desperately trying to create.

"If it's God's will, it will happen." - So, let me get this straight, I'm supposed to believe that God would choose a crackhead who leaves her baby in the dumpster to be a mother over me? I don't think so. And I know some truly neglectful mothers who don't deserve the children they have. And what about my will? Doesn't MY WILL count for anything?! I am not going through this fight for my own fun and entertainment, ya know!

"Maybe you're just trying too hard" - I'm sorry, but I don't believe my husband and I can ever be trying *too hard* to achieve our dream of parenthood.

And the list goes on and on....

In other news, still waiting on AF to arrive. But my stomach has been cramping the last few days and I have been weepy, so I know she's coming...

1 comment:

  1. AMEN SISTER! Totally agree with you! Love your come backs lol



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