Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ugh, Ugh, Ugh!!!

I just love it when I'm unaware a woman is even pregnant, and then she posts her 3D ultrasound photo on Facebook for all the world to see. Wonderful. Just the kick in the gut I needed. :( And what adds insult to injury is the fact that this is a woman who "accidentally" got pregnant. We all know the type. No planning, no trying, no heartache, just BOOM, like magic. I am trying to find solace in the knowledge that someday very soon, I will be the one posting those obnoxious announcements and photos.

I just needed to rant about that for a minute. A real update soon to come, I promise. :)


  1. Rant away, I have seen many annoying facebook announcements, from people who barely try for a baby. It will be great when you can do a facebook announcement, and the difference is you will deserve to do an announcement

  2. Thank you, as always, for the kind words, Clewis. :-)

  3. You definately are going through what I'm going through! LOL! Ugh, don't worry we'll be posting our obnoxious FaceBook post eventually. Hang in their girlie =)



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