Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lucky Number Fifty?

 As I come up on my 50th blog post, I find myself reflecting on how far I have come in this TTC journey, what I have accomplished so far. To most, it probably doesn't seem like much, but to me, it means a great deal. Today I will take my last bcp, then I will just need to wait out AF and once that's over I can start my meds. Yay! I will save my feelings about that for the next blog...

And while we're on the subject, how can I get more followers to my blog? When I started this blog back in January, it was just a therapeutic way for me to express my feelings. While it still is that, I now find that I want people to actually read the things I write. I want to hear from women who are on the same journey as I am. I want comfort and encouragement, and when necessary, someone who can share in misery and heartache. Is my life really so boring? Do women really not care about what I have to say? lol. I follow many blogs and have commented on many of them in the hopes that the person will follow me back, but that doesn't happen. As I said, this was originally for me and I didn't care if anyone saw or read it, but now I really want to share it with others. I want to offer support to women going through the same thing, and have that support in turn. I don't know a lot of women IRL going through this, many of the women I know either already have children, or have no desire whatsoever to be a mother at this time in their lives. It would be nice to be able to come to this space and know there are women who can understand and relate to what I'm going through because they are experiencing the same struggle. So often IRL I feel like I am alone in this, then I come here and read so many wonderful blogs and realize that is not actually the case. I want to use this blog to connect with others, to uplift, support, encourage, and yes, at times, commiserate. So often IRL I am unable to talk about TTC a child. The only person I really confide in is my husband, most others either don't understand, or say things I don't want or need to hear because they just don't get it, but this blog becomes a safe place where I CAN talk about it. A place where I know I will not be judged or looked upon as a freak. So, if anyone has any suggestions for how I can get more people noticing my blog, please feel free to share!


  1. I totally agree with you Hun! That is why I started blogging in the first place, for my sanity =]. Most of my friends don't have children yet and the ones that do are older and tell me they had no problems TTC. Sorry I don't know how to spread the word out about your blog. I would if I had more followers. But so you know... I'm here, I'm listening, I'm with you!

  2. I know you are, hun, and I really appreciate it. Sometimes just knowing that even one person is listening can make a difference. Thank you. :-)

  3. I'm following you. and I am reading and listening.

  4. I know you are Clewis, and thank you. Same to you, of course. :-)



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