Tuesday, September 20, 2011

That's it. I am so over Facebook. Here I am struggling to have just ONE baby when last night I'm on FB and a girl I went to high school with announces her 4th, yes 4th, pregnancy! The exact post read: "4 under 4....coming February 2012." I mean, c'mon, how obnoxious is that?! Here I am struggling to come to terms with the fact that there is a fertility specialist in my future, and I have to read insensitive crap like that! She is my age (28) and already has 4 beautiful children, while I would give anything for just one perfect little miracle baby. Just ONE, that's all I ask, I'm not greedy! It just seems so unfair. I see this all the time on FB and it really makes me feel like I am a freak whose body doesn't work right. I mean, this woman, I swear her husband just looks at her and she's pregnant. We all know the type! Here I sit just trying to cope with my situation the best I can and reading that just honestly feels like a slap in the face to me. I would hope that when I do become pregnant I will show courtesy and sensitivity and not forget those who may still be struggling. I think fertiles should realize that not every woman is blessed to be in such a state, the ability to have kids is not a given, and when you see a childless couple you shouldn't assume it is by choice. I imagine it is easy for women who haven't had to experience the pain of such longing, to take their fertility for granted, but the fact is we never know what someone else may be going through, or how much seemingly harmless words may reawaken the pain of the scars we carry each day.

OK, getting off my soapbox now....


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean. My baby cousin who just turned 18 and already has a 2 year old just announced that she is expecting again on Facebook. That was it for me! Bye bye Facebook. Ugh!

  2. I totally know what you are talking about. I hate going on there sometimes too. The other thing I hate is when people whinge and complain about their pregnancy or they have is those count downs that pop up EVERY week!!



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