Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nothing Like Starting the Day Off with a BFN!

So since I'm going to the OB/GYN this afternoon and because it's CD 49 and still no sign of AF, I decide to test this morning. As usual, BFN. I didn't expect anything different but it still hurts. And certainly not a great way to start the day. I am convinced that there is a conspiracy going on in which I will never see 2 lines on an HPT. I am trying not to feel discouraged, but I can't help it. Right now I feel hopeless. I am hoping to leave my OBs office with a script for Clomid this afternoon. Fingers crossed. Will update later about the appt. Hope all you ladies out there are having a great week.

P.S. Where is everyone??? I know I have been a little MIA from the blogsphere lately, but my blog feels very unloved. lol. Well, off I go to commiserate some more. :(

- Kellie


  1. That is a terrible way to start the day. I hope you have luck with the OB and something to help things along!!

  2. A terrible way, indeed. Thank you, E. Hope you and baby are doing well. :)



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