Friday, May 20, 2011


I had originally intended for this post to be of a happier tone, but sadly, that is no longer the case. We were all set to close on our house today, but we received word yesterday afternoon that due to a delay with the title company, that would not be possible. To say that we were/are disappointed is an understatement! So, we are now on our 3rd closing date, the first one being April 29th, then May 20th, and now May 27th. They "claim" they should be able to have everything done and be ready to close by Monday or Tuesday of next week, but honestly, at this point, I am having A LOT of trouble putting any trust or faith in these people. It seems throughout this entire process we have been treated very unprofessionally, it is simply unacceptable. I have counted down to this day for WEEKS, and now it isn't going to happen. Such a letdown and sooooooooo disappointing! For those of you who have never bought a house before or are thinking of buying one in the future, be forewarned, it's a pain in the ass! I wish somebody had told us what we were in for when we started this journey. I keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it once we have the house, but it seems that day keeps eluding us.

On a more positive note, for the past several days I have been scouring the internet looking for success stories of Metformin and TTC - forum posts, YouTube videos, whatever I can get my hands on! To read such stories and to know that Metformin has aided so many women in conceiving gives me a sense of hope and optimism, something I never really had until now. I tell DH that we need to start looking at baby stuff now, because I am confident that it will happen soon! So confident in fact, that I actually want to go down the baby isle. I actually want to spend hours on the internet looking for nursery decorating ideas, etc. I figure, hey, if it worked for all these other women, why not me, too? It's great that I am feeling all these good vibes when it comes to conceiving (kind of a new venue for me), but then I ask myself, am I naive to put so much hope into a single drug like it is some miracle? But maybe it is our miracle. Maybe the Metformin will be all I need to finally conceive our child. But for all the positives of Metformin, there is a dark side as well. I'm talking side-effects. I have read so many horror stories about side-effects that now, despite excitement, I am nervous to start the medication. GI disturbances seem to be the biggie. Yuck! Not good.  But I just keep telling myself that any amount of side-effects will be totally worth it if this helps us to finally get pregnant! And If it doesn't work like I hope, I keep telling myself not to get discouraged if I don't get the results I want right away, there will be other options. I will take the Metformin for 3 months and if I am not pregnant by then, doc and I discussed pairing Clomid with it next. If I have to use Clomid then fine, it will just give my body that extra boost it needs, giving us an even greater chance at success!

So, that's what's been going on in my world. In other news, almost done with the first week of my 3rd and last month of BCPs. So far no break-through bleeding, cramps, or yucky discharge. Let's hope it stays this way! I will be so glad to finally ditch the BCP and get back to baby-making! If all goes well, we may even have ourselves a bun in the oven by summer's end! Some women say they conceived within weeks of starting Metformin. I admit, I'm a little skeptical of it working that fast, but hey, if it does, great! I wouldn't dare complain. :)

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