Friday, March 9, 2012

This is totally me. A week has gone by and still no call from the nurse about my BW. Surely, I would have heard something by now. The wait is driving me crazy! I have decided that if I don't hear from her by the end of the day, I am going to call her first thing Monday morning! I have now convinced myself that because I haven't heard anything the news must not be good. Maybe they only call if it's good news? I won't be surprised to hear I didn't respond to the first round, I just want to know either way. I don't feel pregnant either. I know it would be too early to tell anyway but I just don't get that vibe. I mean, if I were pregnant shouldn't I have some sort of intuition about it? You hear all the time about women just knowing they were pregnant. Well, I feel nothing except pessimism and despair. And I haven't been symptom spotting either because I figure, what's the point? Yeah, it's safe to say I've pretty much turned into a negative Nancy over here. So much of the infertility game is waiting and I'm just ready to put this failed cycle behind us and move on. I'm anxious to get back on the horse and try again! I am so grateful to our fertility clinic and I really couldn't ask for better care, but still I wish it didn't have to be this way. It shouldn't be this way. But that's an old tune of sung a million times before, so no need to go there right now.

On a positive note, our deck is nearly complete! I've been counting the days waiting for it to be done. You'd think after nearly two years in the TTC game, I would have better honed my patience by now, but not so much as it turns out. In the meantime, I am just trying to focus on and be thankful for all that we DO have, and the mere fact that everyday we live and breathe is a true gift.

1 comment:

  1. For the record I had no idea I was pregnant when I got my BFP this time. In fact I was so sure I WASN'T pregnant that I had a full on meltdown about my period coming...but sure enough 3 days later no period and I finally took a test, positive. Don't give up hope so early! It's always the cycle you're convinced didn't work that you will be surprised with a positive!



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