Friday, November 11, 2011

Anyone else watch that show 'Secretly Pregnant?' This show makes me so angry, yet I can't bring myself to stop watching. It is a morbid fascination of mine. Like when you pass an accident and can't help but look. I don't know why I put myself through this pain and anguish, but I do. It's bad enough I have to hear about women being preggers all around me, now I am subjecting myself to watching women who are keeping their pregnancies a secret? Really?! The really sad thing is that most of these women shouldn't be parents in the first place and yet they are, some for the second are third time. Most of the women don't have jobs or any financial means of support other than that given by their parents. Add to this that the "baby daddies" are usually losers who shouldn't be allowed to procreate in the first place.

One of the shows I watched featured a woman in her early 20s. She already had one child but had lost custody of him to her parents, because she lacked the financial means to support him. She finds out she is pregnant again for the second time, and at 5 months along she is still concealing the pregnancy from her family. She says she doesn't want to tell her parents because she is afraid they will kick her out of the house. Oh, and here's the real kicker, the baby's father is currently serving jail time for drug dealing! Another episode featured a 40-year-old knocked up by a 19-year-old. She hid the pregnancy due to shame and embarrassment of the affair. Yeah, I would be embarrassed too, lady. Then there was one about a woman knocked up by a married man. Throughout the whole episode she kept saying how she hoped every day that he would leave his wife and kids and come back to her. Seriously?! Then, of course, there is the typical teenaged pregnancy: 15-year-old girl impregnated by boy she's only dated 6 months. But oh, they're really in love! Someone gag me! This is just a sample of the types of stories featured on this show. See what I mean, like a bad accident, right? Being subjected to the stupidity of these women absolutely makes me blood boil. I find myself yelling obscenities at the TV nearly every time. Have these women never heard of condoms, or birth control pills? C'mon ladies! And most of them are certainly old enough to know better.

Last week's episode, however, was a glaring exception that broke my heart. This woman wasn't like all the others featured on the show. She had a husband, a nice home, and financial stability. She was keeping her pregnancy a secret because 9 months earlier she had given birth to a stillborn baby. She was hiding the pregnancy from friends and family because she feared her second child would suffer the same fate. And in a cruel twist of irony, her second child was due to be delivered on the same day as her first. She had only a few weeks left in her pregnancy when she finally gained the support of friends and family. There were a few complications with delivery, but the baby ultimately went on to be happy and healthy.

First of all, I just don't get how these women can be successful in hiding their pregnancies for 8-9 months. Are you seriously telling me that no one notices?! One woman resorted to wrapping tap around her belly to "hold her stomach in," and another hid her ultrasound photos behind the TV because she didn't want her mom to see them while she was cleaning. Yeah, let's all take a moment and marvel at the stupidity.

This makes me so angry because if I were pregnant I would be shouting it from the roof tops and telling the whole world. Heck, it will take all my restraint not to tell people as soon as I get that BFP!!! I could never imagine being ashamed of my baby and hiding the wonderful news from my loved ones. I just don't get it. My husband and I are in a loving committed relationship, we are financially stable, and have a nice home. We are able to provide for our children, and it's idiots like this who pop them out like it's nothing. Idiots who don't understand the full gravity and responsibiliy of being a parent, nor do they deserve such an honor. They take their children and the title of mother for granted. I fail to understand why it is so easy for women like that, and yet I am still waiting. Where is the justice in the world?!

End rant.

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