Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Period from hell strikes again!

Okay, so at least I know the BC is working and doing its job, but I am bleeding really heavily and having bad cramps. I thought BC was supposed to make periods lighter and shorter? At least from what I remember...but this doesn't appear to be doing that. I am wonder if it is so heavy because this is the first period I have had since my D&C and hysteroscopy procedure? On the first day of my period I got really freaked out. I began passing large clotty tissue-y looking things (I know, TMI). In all my years of dealing with a period, I have never seen anything like this. I called my DH in to look at it (because I was so freaked) and even he thought it was gross! I was going to call my OB/GYN but I only saw it twice the first day and no more since (Thank God), so I think I will just wait and bring it up at my appointment. I don't think it's an infection because I didn't have a fever or anything. I just had bad stomach cramps and once the "thing" passed I felt much better. I just assume it was left over "stuff" from my procedure (gross I know), and nothing to be overly-concerned about...I hope! Doc said my uterus was perfect and it better stay that way! I've read horror stories about the D&C causing scarring to the uterus and even making infertility worse for some women...which is ironic considering it's supposed to help you achieve pregnancy!  Oh well, I made a note of it as well as my heavy period and will be discussing it with my doc when I go back in less than a month. Maybe next month will not be so bad...here's hoping!

I am so over BC...I am ready to move on. Being on it makes me sad and depressed because I hate that hubby and I are missing out on potential "baby-making" time and that while I am on it I have virtually zero chance of getting pregnant. I know I only have one more month to go..but still. 

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