Monday, January 10, 2011

Fertility Test

No, don't get too excited, I haven't been to the Dr. yet, this was merely an 'at home' test. According to the results my FSH levels are supposedly within a normal range. I say this because these home tests only claim a 95% accuracy rate and I don't want to be lulled into a false sense of security...I think I will reserve judgment and wait until my Dr.does all the blood work. I trust those results a lot more than the "pee on a stick" variety anyway. If only the fertility test could have been a pregnancy test, though. It looks and works just like one. In fact, if it weren't for the words, "fertility test" on the front, you wouldn't even know a difference between the two. I say I wish it had been a pregnancy test because for the first time eveeeeeeeerrrr, I saw two lines; one lighter than the other, of course, but had this been a pregnancy test, that would have been a Big Fat Positive! So it made me a little sad that it wasn't. :( Oh well, 3 more days until D-day!

P.S. Day 4 of my period and I am still bleeding pretty heavily and having not-so-fun cramps. :/ Thank God for Advil!

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