Friday, May 31, 2013

Help! I am in the process of my 2nd IUI cycle with injections (Follistim). I had my first blood draw today (after 4 days of stims) and my e2 level was 95. The nurse tells me that this is a perfectly acceptable number (for someone of my diagnosis, PCOS) and that my RE wishes to take it slow so as not to overstimulate me. Fine, I get that. The problem is I seem to recall that with the previous cycle my first blood draw was much higher after 4 days of stims. Unfortunately, I did not write anything down last time so I don't have a point of reference. When I expressed this to the nurse she just said no and that was it. I wanted to ask her to look at the numbers of my previous cycle for comparison, but I felt she was rushing me off the phone so I didn't bother.  My usual nurse is out on vacation so I am relying on the nurse of the other RE, whom I have never dealt with and after talking with her, do not care for. When I tried to express my concerns or ask a question she would simply interrupt or talk over me, so the phone call ended with none of my questions answered and me feeling very anxious and confused. All I was told was to return Sunday morning for another blood draw, and continue at the 75iu for the next two nights. I know everyone is different and every cycle is different, but to those who have done stim cycles, does this sound like an acceptable range? I am terrified that I'm not responding properly and am looking for some reassurance that I did not receive any from the nurse.

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