Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ok, so last night I started getting a stuffy nose. I consulted dr. Google again and found that a head cold can be a common early sign of pregnancy for many women. I also thought I was starting my period last night, but since then I have only experienced minimal spotting (brown in color), barely anything on the TP and nothing on the pad (TMI Alert!).

Could the head cold be a sign of pregnancy or completely coincidental? If it is just a cold, maybe that's what throwing AF off. Sure, I'm not bleeding now, but I know that could change at any moment (she is a trickster that AF).

I was going to try and hold out until at least CD35, but if it's still like this tomorrow should I go ahead and test? I am currently on CD31 and no idea when exactly I ovulated, only that I definitely did. It is also not unlike me to have some spotting before AF, so that may be all this is.

Maybe I am just wishing too hard for symptoms. Yes, I could be pregnant, but it also may just be a result of the changing season and me sleeping with the fan on at night (lol).

Did any of you experience a stuffy nose before you found out you were pregnant? I just feel generally blah with a stuffy nose and maybe a slight fever but no other symptoms.

Help me out ladies!

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember a stuffy nose - but with my first pregnancy I did have implantation bleeding. If that is what you are experiencing I think it takes a few days before there is enough HCG in your system to register on a maybe wait a couple days? I don't know...
    Fingers crossed for you!! :)



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