Friday, January 20, 2012

So I took a much needed hiatus from blogger town (not that anyone noticed because no one actually reads this). When everyone you follow starts popping up pregnant, it can become a bit much when you're in the midst of your own journey. Not to say that I'm not happy for every single one of you lovely ladies, I am truly, but once again, I find myself  feeling like the odd (wo)man out. Now to catch you up on what's been happening in my world:

Christmas was a little rocky, though to be fair it had its good moments, too. It was our first Christmas spent as homeowners, so that was pretty amazing, though it would have been a million times better if we'd had a little one to share it with. I try to remember how blessed I truly am, but it can be difficult not to focus on what you don't have, especially when what you don't have is the one thing you want so badly it causes an ache down to your soul. So, I got a +opk the month of December, DH and I were so hopeful and we did everything right. I spent each day hoping against hope that AF would not show. About 2 weeks later I began to have some spotting, I convinced myself it was implantation bleeding. Days go by and the spotting remained the same so I continued to be hopeful. The morning before Christmas Eve I decided to test, it was negative, of course. If only I'd waited a little while longer I could have saved myself at least SOME heartache, because a few hours later AF showed. Needless to say, this put a damper on our holiday festivities.

We had our first appointment with an RE on the 13th of January. Long story short, we have a tentative diagnosis of PCOS and he plans to start me on 50mg of Clomid. We have a follow-up appointment on the 27th and hopefully he will start me on the meds then.  So, I am back with the hope and promise of a new year, and really hoping that 2012 will be our year to become parents!

That is all for now.


  1. I follow you and I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. After 2 failed pregnancies and 2 rounds of Clomid and metformin we are pregnant for the 3rd time. Keep faith that God has a plan for you, your husband and your future family. It was NOT an easy road for us either. You will be in my prayers this week.

  2. I always feel like the odd one out too. I got my BFP in December, then miscarried. Now it seems like EVERYONE is getting a BFP and I'm sitting on the side line again.



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